Monday, January 28, 2008

Coming home tomorrow for three and a half weeks...

But in the meantime I'm looking up "kumis" on Wikipedia: Last night we after dinner everyone (meaning me; Alison; Phil; Jake, a new teacher who's working in Hohhot for the next month; and Ally, a Mongolian girl whom Alison and Phil met as she is a tour guide around here) came back to our apartment to watch some British comedy in the form of I'm Alan Partridge, which I'd just finished downloading (I mean... acquiring legitimately). Alison and Ally stopped on the way to get some beer, and also picked up a small bottle of what Alison proclaimed was "milk alcohol" when she came in. On closer inspection of the (Chinese) writing on the bottle she found that not only was it "milk alcohol," but "horse milk alcohol." It was somewhat foul tasting especially given that its alcohol content was only 16%. Ally informed us that this stuff even has an English name—i.e. kumis. Well colour me watered-down milky colour!

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